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flood #2 destination vacation

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anyway, how are you doing, guys?



#p5830,The Herald wrote:

anyway, how are you doing, guys?

Still in bed
I'm going to be late today  :(



The Herald
How are you?



#p5830,The Herald wrote:

anyway, how are you doing, guys?

I'm conducting a science experiment on zodiac signs and drink ice tea.



fine, at least for now! When my colleagues will arrive, it may shift somewhere else though. I'm so tired, I want to sleep for 12 hours, I hope I would tonight, since I have plans to continue my story in the blog, for that I require a good rest



Coffee table knight wrote:

I'm conducting a science experiment on zodiac signs and drink ice tea.

and how is your progress so far?



#p5836,The Herald wrote:

and how is your progress so far?

Capricorn wins the game.
Officially, I am Aquarius, but the real star map is different from the usual horoscopes. And that’s where I’m Capricorn.

The essence of the experiment:
- newest chronology sends me three horoscopes every day
- Two of them are Aquarius and Capricorn, and the third is random. I do not know which one is which, and I choose the one that’s better for today.

So I chose in a week 2 times Aquarius and 4 times Capricorn. And never picked a randomly sign.

Next week, I’ll be picking from 12 horoscopes one.

Last edited by Coffee table knight (2024-06-21 10:32:35)



Coffee table knight
actually sounds fun! Do you feel like your sign suggests by default, all the qualities, pros and cons, etc?



The Herald, it seems yes... but can’t rule out the Barnum effect. The experiment will help with that.



#p5835,The Herald wrote:

since I have plans to continue my story in the blog

That's great! Maybe you could turn it into a novel later )



#p5837,Coffee table knight wrote:

newest chronology sends me three horoscopes every day

How long have you been doing that experiment?



#p5887,Lucifer wrote:

How long have you been doing that experiment?

Today is day six. There’s a suspicion we should extend it by a year to see more interconnections, but that’s so long...



I admired the approach of one man who studied the phenomenon of tulpa. He wrote the manual on behalf of his tulpa, which looks like a real dissertation. I want to create something in the same and feel the excitement. But a year is so much, so much...



#p5880,Lucifer wrote:

Maybe you could turn it into a novel later )

well, may be, I can't say I write for somebody to read it, it's been a long time since I dreamt about becoming an author, sadly.
Sometimes I just want a story to resonate in me with all the right tunes, and if I can't find one somewhere else, I would rather make it so (star trek pun intended) myself xd



The book I'm still reading is a Star Trek novel, one of the many, it's about a Mirror universe during TNG era, and I kinda feel cheated a little. Been read the comics about the same topic, I thought there would be more familiar and twisted characters, but no, half of the book is an internal monologue. For the love of God, if characters are hiding from someone, they probably won't be talking three pages in a row with each other like on a symposium of some sorts.

Last edited by The Herald (2024-06-21 11:56:36)



#p5903,The Herald wrote:

and if I can't find one somewhere else, I would rather make it so

Something new always promises to be truly interesting.



#p5889,Coffee table knight wrote:

Today is day six. There’s a suspicion we should extend it by a year to see more interconnections, but that’s so long...

Are you keeping a journal for these purposes?



Lucifer, yes. I write down the number of hits in one sign or another. Do you have any idea what else might be in the journal?



#p5907,Coffee table knight wrote:

Do you have any idea what else might be in the journal?

I don't know )
Maybe you could write down all that happened that day to revisit it later.
You know, sometimes we don't see right away that something "hits".



Lucifer, in fact! Brilliant idea. I forgot to compare the written in the horoscope with reality... Thank you, I will add this moment.



All this talk about signs has suddenly reminded me of my taro deck. I want to touch it, I miss it



The Herald
Ooh, I have tarot cards too, but they don’t listen to me very well. It gets along well with newest chronology.
Coffee grounds are my friend.
Are you good with Taro deck?



Coffee table knight
I guess I'm good for my own purposes, since I'm not using it to read somebody else, it's very personal experience. It's more like an internal discussion, extended at least to the length of my own hand with something that can talk back to me.



I really want to add my own pack of gif-stickers here. I know what I'll do tomorrow



#p5914,Lucifer wrote:

I know what I'll do tomorrow

are they funny or fluffy?



#p5915,The Herald wrote:

are they funny or fluffy?

just with the face I'm using )


447 my students are asking me to send them basicly everything that they need to know to pass an exam next monday
Goddamnit, I am not that soft, still I can't help but bend a little, those were cute enough, though I had to shush them alot.

Last edited by The Herald (2024-06-21 12:47:37)



#p5916,Lucifer wrote:

just with the face I'm using )

ah! That's lovely, and a hard work too, perfect expressions take time



#p5917,The Herald wrote:

my students are asking me to send them basicly everything that they need to know to pass an exam next monday
Goddamnit, I am not that soft, still I can't help but bend a little, those were cute enough, though I had to shush them alot.

Last edited by The Herald (Today 12:47:37)

What's your subject?

Have I asked already? I don't remember.



#p5918,The Herald wrote:

ah! That's lovely, and a hard work too, perfect expressions take time

Yes... That's why I still haven't done it


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