Frequently Asked Questions — FAQ

What is a RPG, and how does it work on this forum?
It is a role-playing game, in our case a forum-based game where players create their characters and build stories together with fellow players by writing in turns. If you've never participated in a RPG before, feel free to ask for guidance.

How do I get started with my first character?
Start by registering on the forum. Then fill out your Personal file, write about your interests in various fandoms and characters. You will also need to write a sample post in English to demonstrate your writing style and proficiency in the language. This helps other participants get to know you better as a player. Once you have completed all the requirements check out other players Personal Files and a topic looking for a partner

Do I need to register and fill out the application form for each character I want to play?
No, you do not need to register or create a separate application form for each character. Instead, simply add brief information about each character in your existing Personal File, and update your character list as needed. This method simplifies character management and eliminates the need to register each new character separately.

Are there any guidelines on the length or style of the posts?
There are no strict requirements for the design or length of your posts. Write as much as you're comfortable with. We understand that everyone's proficiency in English varies, and we do not require perfect grammar; the most important thing is that you enjoy the game with your fellow players.

Can I create characters from any fandom, or are there restrictions?
Choose characters from fandoms that inspire you, or play your original character. The only requirement is to avoid characters that could be triggering or cause discomfort for other players, e.g. religious or political figures, and generally steer clear of political and religious themes to maintain a respectful and enjoyable atmosphere.

How does character ownership work if multiple players can play the same character?
Neither roles nor appearances are reserved, therefore they are available for everyone to play. This means that the same character can appear in different plots and episodes played by different participants. You are free to manage your character within your own stories, while others can play the same character in their narratives, bringing new ideas and perspectives to the game.

What happens if there’s a conflict in character interpretation between players?
Since our forum does not strictly stick to canon, everyone is free to interpret characters and their stories as they see fit. If disagreements arise about plot developments within a fandom, we recommend partnering with players who share your views and gaming goals. There's always someone who will match your gaming style and preferences.

What are the rules regarding mature content or sensitive themes in posts?
By registering on the forum, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old. The administration is not responsible for content created by players, but we ask to hide posts containing content inappropriate for minors. Use the following code:

[hide=1]Your post[/hide]

Do I have to fill out an application form or play the game to join the forum?
No, you don't. You don't have to play if you don't want to or if you feel that you are not ready to play in English. We encourage you to try, but it is not obligatory. You can be a part of our community even if you don't participate in the game.

What are the expectations regarding player activity and posting frequency?
There are no strict rules on activity levels or post frequency. Write as often as convenient for you and your fellow players. However, to keep your account active, we ask that you leave a message at least once every two weeks in any part of the forum, game-related or not.

What should I do if I need a break from the forum or want to leave a game temporarily?
If you need to take a break, simply notify us in time-outs and leaving topic. This will free you from the requirement to leave a message in every two weeks during your break, ensuring you can return to the forum when you're ready.