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flood #2 destination vacation
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Share8412024-06-25 21:43:01
I adore his take of "if a letter with 500 rubles could've cured Raskolnikov's illness, then his sickness is not a mental, but a monetary one" and entire "strive for survival".
I liked in principle his proof that Raskolnikov is not insane. Definition seemed to me exhaustive. This can be used to determine the madness of other characters.
now I have about four months to do what I had three years for, lol
Is that possible?
Share8422024-06-25 21:50:26
I liked in principle his proof that Raskolnikov is not insane. Definition seemed to me exhaustive. This can be used to determine the madness of other characters.
See, this is why I say that Crime and Punishment is simply incomplete without Pisarev's materialistic (in the proper sense of the word) analysis is incomplete. I am lenient to Dostoevsky because he's, given his history, a broken do-gooder who had to disawow ideals of his youth, but oh Lord, implying that Raskolnikov is insane when he's merely exhausted every option and fallen into despair is... it's sickening.
Is that possible?
You ask the wrong question. It is possible. It merely wouldn't be any good. Like, it would be formally a candidate dissertation in argicultural economics, but in practice it's something that I've dubbed as "продукт бюрократический наукосодержащий"
Share8432024-06-25 21:54:23
"Fathers and Sons"
When I was young, I didn’t like it, so much that I couldn’t bring myself to read it. Maybe it wasn’t a good time. The school program is such a school program.
Share8442024-06-25 22:01:48
but oh Lord, implying that Raskolnikov is insane when he's merely exhausted every option and fallen into despair is... it's sickening.
I don’t quite understand... Dostoevsky wrote that Raskolnikov is insane? Or...? I just don't remember the book so well...
You ask the wrong question. It is possible. It merely wouldn't be any good. Like, it would be formally a candidate dissertation in argicultural economics, but in practice it's something that I've dubbed as "продукт бюрократический наукосодержащий"
Ah... I think I understand...
Share8452024-06-25 22:04:14
I wanted to encourage you all to finish this flood topic, but I can't encourage myself. Feel kinda antisocial today
Today I was a Tasmanian Devil from the cartoon... or roadrunner, idk who's more desperate to live
Today the planets don't favor us, ahah
Last edited by Coffee table knight (2024-06-25 22:05:37)
Share8462024-06-25 22:09:51
I don’t quite understand... Dostoevsky wrote that Raskolnikov is insane? Or...? I just don't remember the book so well...
Well, that's the second point of Pisarev for the review: Dostoevsky's intent was to portray Raskolnikov as this kind of spoiled intellectual, who toyed with liberal ideas so much that he convinced himself of murder. But Pisarev provides necessary framework to understand Raskolnikov: he's not an amoral liberal student-nihilist, he's a hugry and exhausted boy with a mind bright enough to be aware of its own decay under the strain of poverty.
Ah... I think I understand...
That's why I say that it's possible. I have a laptop powerful enough to run LLaMA derivative locally, I have advanced udnerstanding of English, and I do not have time for conscience. Plus, coming to think about it, actual scientific advancement wasn't part of the deal to begin with.
My good friend entered grad school in aesthetics this academic year, and his thesis advisor, a wise old professor of the good kind, put it very succintly: "Keep it simple, stupid: you need PhD to earn bigger salary".
Last edited by space cowboy (2024-06-25 22:10:35)
Share8472024-06-25 22:13:18
Today the planets don't favor us, ahah
nah, just another busy day, could be much much worse honestly
Share8482024-06-25 22:13:57
just come back to us later when you feel like it))
Share8492024-06-25 22:25:38
he's not an amoral liberal student-nihilist, he's a hugry and exhausted boy with a mind bright enough to be aware of its own decay under the strain of poverty.
That’s what you were talking about! Terrible conditions. It is a pity, he couldn't go to Switzerland, from where prince Myshkin came, to fall also victim of Petersburg.
"Keep it simple, stupid: you need PhD to earn bigger salary".
The sad truth.
nah, just another busy day, could be much much worse honestly
So the color of the sensors is not critical red? What are you planning on doing tonight?
Last edited by Coffee table knight (2024-06-25 22:38:26)
Share8502024-06-25 23:00:15
So the color of the sensors is not critical red? What are you planning on doing tonight?
My eyes are red, that's for sure, but my sensors are mainly gold!
I play Overwatch, it's that time of year, when I want something shiny, cute, modern, fast and simple xd what about you?
Share8512024-06-25 23:08:11
I play Overwatch, it's that time of year, when I want something shiny, cute, modern, fast and simple xd what about you?
I can imagine that feeling!
I’m writing a post on behalf of Killgrave on another forum. It’s a matter of honor. For now, everything is going according to plan.
Last edited by Coffee table knight (2024-06-25 23:09:32)
Share8522024-06-25 23:13:17
Ooh, we have a user with Oscar Wilde on the avatar here! I hope he writes something.
Share8532024-06-25 23:28:18
oh I'm so anxious to get into that questline in stalker
but I've got to
well, at least I've settled on the Rebel's faceclaim, so that's something useful while I'm procrastination on procrastination
Share8542024-06-25 23:32:19
I’m writing a post on behalf of Killgrave on another forum. It’s a matter of honor. For now, everything is going according to plan.
lots of inspiration to you!
oh I'm so anxious to get into that questline in stalker
which is?..
Share8552024-06-25 23:40:09
which is?..
so, there are three plotlines in the Anomaly: Living Legend, Mortal Sin, and Operation Afterglow
Living Legend is about kicking Monolith's ass, and raiding CNPP to get answers about the origin of the Zone
Mortal Sin is about dealing with, well, SIN - another evil megalomaniac cult group that attempts to conquer the Zone, but this time it's more like Monolith 2.0: Electric Bungaloo. Because SIN dudes tend to have forcefields that just eat up bullets. Why? I dunno, because reasons. But that makes them extra durable, and with numbers that they come in, it makes engaging with SIN a very unpleasant affair. And I'm about to storm about entire company worth of these suckers.
Operation Afterglow centers 'round kicking out high-tech PMC that wanted to slide in after Mortal SIN events, but that part is short and relatively painless.
Share8562024-06-25 23:50:36
lots of inspiration to you!
Share8572024-06-25 23:51:02
space cowboy
sounds entertaining! And which one are you most excited about? Or are they all connected and that's one big quest line?
Share8582024-06-25 23:53:24
Coffee table knight
By looking at you I feel old as Gandalf
You seem so energetic, with so much passion for everything, including frpg related stuff, it's wonderful!)) Don't change, it's boring otherwise xD
Share8592024-06-25 23:54:00
I remember playing with my friends at the Half Life in the computer club. I yelled at the whole club when I was dying.
Share8602024-06-25 23:56:48
The Herald
Awww. Such warm words! I don't plan to change!
Share8612024-06-26 00:00:46
The Herald, they flow into one another: Living Legend takes off from the established canon of the games, where we follow Strelok, OG protagonist of the first game, into his quest to find answers about the origin of the Zone. In the process we weaken Monolith enough that nebulous "Creators" of the Zone kick in their plan B of conquering humanity - SIN. And disrupting SIN plans about expanding Zone on an entire planet gathers attention of international forces that send in their PMC to check out what these fucking slavs are up to.
So it's more like three-part story, but I don't feel super excited about SIN, except for the fact that it's kinda funny that their supposed heaven is called "Ирий". Like, falling between ire and iridescent, it has a nice rign to it, innit?
And Afterglow is considered weakest of the three, because it's more or less, like, three short skirmishes with PMC dudes, styled as a covert operation, and it's... it's okay, I guess?
So yeah, raid on the CNPP feels good, like, narratively good: you're a mere stalker in the Zone, driven here by adrenaline addiction, gold rush, old mistakes or whatever else you want yourself to be, to justify the state of the utmost dregs of this bottled up society that lives in between mind-frying dangers, radiation, violence, and prospect of unfathomable reaches. And in it, you take up on the job of finding what legendary Strelok is up to, only to find yourself raiding the most dangerous places in the entire Zone, challenging it's most dangerous group, raiding the heart of the Zone, and coming back to tell about it. Following a living legend makes you into one.
Did I bore you yet?
Last edited by space cowboy (2024-06-26 00:01:16)
Share8622024-06-26 00:12:21
Did I bore you yet?
not at all, you describe it very appealing, I feel a plot out there to discover and enjoy, I like that feeling!)) I'm sad I can't really talk about it, since I know barely anything (thanks to you), but it's not entirely my plate to try out.
Share8632024-06-26 00:18:58
not at all, you describe it very appealing, I feel a plot out there to discover and enjoy, I like that feeling!)) I'm sad I can't really talk about it, since I know barely anything (thanks to you), but it's not entirely my plate to try out.
I very much dig the vibe of the Zone, the chaos, the uncertainty, the shifting tug of war between different groups - but I guess I'm alert to that 'cause my primal form of travel is a coup d'etat. Like, the Zone is a safe way to experience living in a localized military conflict, really.
But I am aware that original games are archaeological in their quality of gameplay, and I actually know nothing about STALKER as a book series, though I would wager that it's at best trashy fun, and in the median is a dumpster fire, and that I'm reading into the Zone what I want. (Sorry, not sorry).
Though one thing about SIN plotline that is fun, I guess, is that doing it actively saps you of all your best guns, best meds, best ammo, best everything. So, like, usual hoarding of a true stalker actually has a point for once. And putting all these best toys into use feels good. Narratively SIN doesn't need to exist, and I get why they're cut out of canon games. But gameplay wise challenging player to use their "retirement armor-penetrating ammo" is a solid choice.
Last edited by space cowboy (2024-06-26 00:19:59)
Share8642024-06-26 00:22:41
I guess the main reason why I don't play frpg much lately is because my soul and whatever inspiration was in there are dying on basis of low burning hatred towards work chaos I'm dragging myself through like in a god damn swamp.
Deep breath, deeeeep breath, it's gonna be ok, it's ending anyway, I will make it all different when I move to my new place.
It was a mistake to look up emails, but at least I got a proper kick to sleep.
Good night, darlings!
Share8652024-06-26 00:25:09
The Herald, it’s definitely gonna be okay. have a nice dream!
Share8662024-06-26 00:25:12
I actually know nothing about STALKER as a book series
ah, I wanted to ask about it, actually, are there any strong connections with the books that you like or dislike most!
Share8672024-06-26 00:25:49
Coffee table knight
ty <3
Share8682024-06-26 00:35:44
ah, I wanted to ask about it, actually, are there any strong connections with the books that you like or dislike most!
okay, so
I've read Roadside Picnic, that is grandfather of the STALKER series, but that one is more, like... egocentric? I dig socio-economical implications of the Zone, meanwhile Roadside Picnic really is about that one single stalker, and how shitty he feels about his line of work, what it had done to him, and how he's basically an asshoel for letting that bright idealist kid die to pave the way for him to the heart of that Zone. Happiness, for everybody, for free, and no one will get away unsatisfied! It's a solid piece of fiction, at least I don't think about it with disgust, because when I was wee-lil boy I read voraciosly because I had no taste. Like, none, zilch, nada
I read Areal, which is Tarmashev's spin on STALKER series, with extraterrestrials as cause behind the Zone, instead of people fucking around with noosphere under the blanket of security that is given by placing labs in Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. But Areal is... Hm. Thinking about it in retrospect, I guess it's not as bad as certain... other works of Tarmashev. Not entirely, I guess.
I dunno, other than that the Zone doesn't intersect with the kinds of fiction that I've been reading in recent years
Share8692024-06-26 07:47:44
I read Areal, which is Tarmashev's spin on STALKER series, with extraterrestrials as cause behind the Zone
Is it an official spin off? Or rather same aesthetics but different world? I know there are precedents of authors having a go at works of others, but that is not entirely legal thing to do, so I wonder, what's the case here
Share8702024-06-26 07:50:21
Aaaand good morning, humanoids, have a nice day 💛