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you've got the moves to trick me

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you've got the moves to trick me

fandom: harry potter/hogwarts legacy au
characters: Giacomo Casanova, Maxwell Forwood

A little detective, love story and a bit of magic

[icon][/icon][nick]Maxwell Forwood[/nick][status]for all eternity[/status]



Today Casanova deserved the first interest from listeners at the lecture. He showed the young people Concealing charms, and how cleverly its could hide ink inside an ordinary sheet of paper. The first successes were not long in coming, since autumn is the time of secrets and love messages. Casanova recalled his youth and shared what he himself needed first of all in student times.

In the meanwhile, the Headmaster Black wandered around as if by chance, and show up wherever Giacomo went during the break. Then, wished to see him after class. He spoke French, but remained a prim Englishman. It was a little painful to hear your own language used for decoration, like roses that being cut off and put in a vase. It was raining outside, and Giacomo remembered with sadness, how Beauxbatons was now: golden, clear, slightly cool... He also thought of his native Italy and masked balls. Black seemed unwilling to share his joy with his students and refused to prepare the festivale. Even a little one. He was convinced that it would corrupt the pupils and they would get out of control.

There were so many older teachers... They were all could be compared Casanova's parents and grandparents; he was the only young teacher. However, he caught the shy looks of the undergrads, but it was not very flattering, despite the fact that some girls their age in Italy and France could be married already.

But what will the night promise? The Headmaster finally announced that he was going to bed, аnd, as if on cue, the whole castle became empty. The students scattered to their four living rooms. Ah, Beauxbatons was not so... Within its walls, a lot of interesting things happened under the tender gaze of the moon.

Alone, Giacomo went outside, the rain has just ended, the air was mysterious and fresh. He remembered, that Black was showing him animal paddocks, and wanted to explore night creatures, such as Mooncalfs, that feed on wood fuel. How strange that sounds!
He approached the fence and saw animals frolicking in the moonlight, rolling in the grass like children. That touched him and made him smile.

[nick]Giacomo Casanova[/nick][status]i love love[/status][icon][/icon]

Last edited by Coffee table knight (2024-06-21 00:55:06)



This job took up no more of his time than taking care of creatures caught by smugglers. In the afternoon, while other classes were going on, Max managed to walk through the quiet corridors of Hogwarts and remember how much fun it was to launch paper cranes animated by a spell into the air or try to catch a snitch at Quidditch practice. It's a pity that he can't just go back to his carefree youth although, of course, not much time has passed.
It's only been eight years.
And five years ago, he got involved, as his late Muggle father would have said, with bad company.

However, not everything remained the same as it was during Maxwell's education. Of course, he couldn't help but notice the new teacher, but they didn't need to communicate, except to nod politely at each other from afar.
So all that remained was to catch a glimpse of the charming frenchman from the side and inform Rookwood that Ronin had disappeared somewhere, and his place was now occupied by another person. Having considered this part of his task completed for today, Max returned to the magical beasts.
They didn't need to heal wounds, just simple care. The students did a lot of things themselves, so for the most part, Forwood only made sure that everything remained in order.

Except that the situation was different with thestrals; most of the students did not see them at all, and the rest were afraid or did not want to feed these creatures with fresh meat. He did it himself, singling out the late evening so that no one would distract him by trying to pull a feather out of local fwoopers or offend some puffskein by playing it like a ball. When he was done, Max dismissed the school thestrals and went to check on the mooncalfs.
To his surprise, there was a wizard standing next to the clearing. That frenchman, Casanova, as far as Forwood remembered. It was lightness enough not to cast the lumos.
Maxwell calmly approached.

"Can't sleep, or did you come to look at them on purpose?" He asked carefully, so as not to scare off either the interlocutor or the creatures having fun in the tall grass.
Max took off his rough gloves and only then held out his hand.
"We not really got to know each other. Maxwell."

[nick]Maxwell Forwood[/nick][status]for all eternity[/status][icon][/icon]

Last edited by newest chronology (2024-06-20 15:33:02)



Casanova didn't hear the steps approaching, absorbed in his thoughts and the contemplation of a funny scene. It’s like he woke from a dream, when an unfamiliar voice sounded so close. That timbre was so soft and calm that it didn't interrupt, but rather, intriguingly complemented the melody of the simple night orchestra. The only person, who could sound like that, it's someone who’s well disposed to your presence, and that cheered Giacomo up a bit.
The young teacher raised his head from his crossed arms, which in turn rested on the fence, straightened up and pushed off to greet the stranger as  appropriately, and see him better.

"Both of them," after a slight pause, he responded with a clear French accent, catching the interlocutor's eye, which immediately recognized. Details of appearance can be forgotten, but not the overall impression, not gestures... So, they have met, but where and under what circumstances? The day was like a merry-go-round, a lot mixed up, and yet... he's definitely not the professor, because Black introduced Giacomo to everyone. Maybe someone’s son or brother who came here to stay? Anyway, nice company is provided.
"And I don't regretted, because these creatures are amusant," he pointed to a funny spotted herd. Mooncalfs began to climb to their big feet one by one, and run towards.

Gazing down, Casanova turned attention to the gloves, apparently intended for work.
"Oh, so you care for creatures?" He was looking from wizard to the Mooncalfs.
At that moment, the young man’s hand was released from the glove, and Casanova joyfully accepted this sign of friendship, already knowing he was dealing with Professor Hovin’s assistant. It was the only way to explain everything.

Giacomo waiting a little for Maxwell calls the last name, but this did not happen. Does this mean that they can immediately call each other by first name, like friends? He hesitated, and then said,
"Giacomo... Giacomo Casanova."
In Italy it would be rude to shorten the distance in communication without demand, so the wizard suggested a choice just in case, and waited again for the reaction.

"You have earned their trust, haven’t you?" In the moonlight, his eyes flashing blue and playful sparks. Then the brighter lights came on, and it wasn’t just the Frenchman’s good mood.
"Be careful, there’s a fairy behind you. She loves you or has a plan, one of two things." Actually, there was something bizarre going on behind Maxwell. Casanova glanced over monsieur’s shoulder, and the fairy, laughing, slipped away one way or the other, forcing herself to search.

[nick]Giacomo Casanova[/nick][status]i love love[/status][icon][/icon]

Last edited by Coffee table knight (2024-06-24 22:37:48)


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