Гостевая категория
Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
waiting roomгостевая Welcome, traveler! Come in, settle down, here you will find the rules and principles of this place. Don't be shy to ask questions. We're so glad you stopped by! |
5 | 49 | guest book 2024-11-18 21:26:30 - Faded Star |
playgroundПОИСК СОИГРОКА Here you can find a partner for a game. Don't be afraid of strangers! Approach people and ask them for a game. The more active you are, the sooner you will find your partner.
3 | 27 | fandoms and casts 2024-07-16 14:13:02 - Admin |
Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
personal filesАНКЕТЫ Everyone who is here to play should create their personal file before starting a game. Here you will find a template for your own file and the files of all the other players.
8 | 9 | The stars have died so you could live. 2024-07-10 23:49:42 - Faded Star |
administrative officeорганизационная Do you have a suggestion on how to improve this place? Is something not working as it should? Or maybe you need a break? Here we try to resolve all the issues. |
5 | 37 | time-outs and leaving 2024-07-30 07:44:32 - Coffee table knight |
Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
fandom inspiredИГРЫ ПО ФАНДОМАМ If you play fandom characters, we recommend creating an episode in this section. However, there is no strict division into “fandoms” and “originals”. You know better where your episode belongs.
2 | 7 | [ASoIaF] A Lizard, a Snake, and a Lot of Ice 2024-07-19 05:10:21 - 42 |
original storiesОРИДЖИНАЛЫ If you play original characters, we recommend creating an episode in this section. However, there is no strict division into “fandoms” and “originals”. You know better where your episode belongs.
2 | 5 | Like Moth to the Flame 2024-07-10 00:30:26 - Lucifer |
game archivesИГРОВОЙ АРХИВ We keep here all completed and abandoned episodes. Let's hope you'll have more of the former than the latter. Nothing is lost, nothing is forgotten.
5 | 26 | [Hamlet] second chances 2024-07-19 21:00:30 - Coffee table knight |
Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
living roomФЛУДИЛКА Relax, take your mind off your post debts by running into the flood topic to have a heart-to-heart talk and recharge yourself. Feel free to use English or Russian in the flood area.
12 | 1068 | flood #4 midsummer night's dream 2025-01-08 14:57:06 - Moon Presence |
eventsсезонные события Relax, take your mind off your post debts by running into the flood topic to have a heart-to-heart talk and recharge yourself. Feel free to use English or Russian in the flood area.
3 | 55 | Lottery of wisdom predictions 2024-08-03 16:13:39 - Coffee table knight |
journalsТВОРЧЕСКИЕ ТЕМЫ Want to share your thoughts or creative endeavors? Here you can start your personal topic for your art works and basically anything you want to post.
2 | 2 | the devil cheated me 2024-07-13 19:34:21 - Lucifer |
Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
5 | 4640 | yours and ours #13 2025-03-09 14:44:31 - pr-agent |
partnershipПАРТНЕРЫ Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are. Or just show us your forum and let's be friends. Or partners if you wish to keep it professional.
31 | 294 | the good place 2025-03-04 19:37:53 - pr-agent |
general archiveОБЩИЙ АРХИВ For some it is a trash bin, for others — an antiquities shop. Here we keep old topics and messages that are no longer relevant. Abandoned episodes are stored in the Game Archives.
20 | 11391 | old messages 2024-07-21 14:08:27 - Admin |