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You are here » CC: PIE » fandom inspired » [Hamlet] second chances

[Hamlet] second chances

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fandom: The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
characters: Hamlet, Ophelia

We kissed beneath the twisted trees,
Our lips between the stars,
Tiny ripples in a lake
This love, once lost,
Is ours.




As soon as she entered the university library, Ophelia felt very small. She had seen the photographs and knew that Bobst Library was quite an impressive building with a fantastic interior, but in reality it was much larger and greater than she expected. How many books were stored here? She wouldn't even dare to guess. No less than a million for sure. Twelve floors of gilding and glass. The beauty of this place was breathtaking.

"Do you know that these gilded barriers were installed to prevent students from jumping down? There were three cases of suicide in Bobst about twenty years ago. One of them landed just where you stand now" Marian said looking at the floor as if one could still see blood there.

Ophelia felt a chill run down her spine. She would prefer not to know that there was death behind the beauty she admired just a moment ago. She looked at Marian who was very pleased that she managed to impress the naive first-year. However Ophelia was indeed naive so she couldn't see that Marian said what she said on purpose. She actually admired her new friend and roommate who was kind enough to show her around and let her meet her friends.

They went up to the art department. There was no one from the stuff there and it was quite difficult to navigate on your own. Especially if you were in this gigantic library for the first time. Ophelia took a couple of books from a random shelf and sat next to Marian. They both studied Art History and Classics, but Marian was a year ahead.

"There is an initiation party next Sunday, you should be there."

"I'm not sure it is my thing" Ophelia answered. She didn't want to upset her friend, but she always felt out of place at the parties, so she tried to avoid them.

"Oh, come on, don't be such a prune! You need to go out and get to know people. Don't tell me you came to New York only to read Art books and write essays. Live a life, Ophelia!"

Marian, for sure, knew how to live her life and took everything this big city could offer. She knew everything and everyone, she was invited to all the parties and she had friends everywhere. Basically she was the exact opposite of Ophelia. They would probably never become friends if they didn't share the room in the dorm.

Ophelia accidentally caught an eye of a young man at the other end of the reading room. She quickly turned away. When she looked at him in a couple of minutes their eyes met again. This time she turned away even quicker. It was a bit embarrassing to know that someone is watching you. And that this someone knows that you know they are watching you.



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