Fantasy. With elves and demons.FAVORITE CHARACTERS
English level:
"AVEЯAGE ЯUSSIAN SCHOOLEЯ"-level. Listen to English Youtube, understand films and series, sometimes read Wikipedia in English, once had read a book ot two in the past. Never figured out how tests and levels work and never intended to.Game preferences:
3rd, 2-4kpost sampleMy attitude to my posts is (трепетное). My posts are mine and those to whom I had addressed them. So I don't like the idea of sharing them.
However, I'll try to translate my previous post, so it isn't literally the same post when the letters are different.
(my character is chatting with his girlfriends character while they're chilling under the shades of trees in one sunny day, fantasy setting)
- This is exactly what I was about to tell you. The book.
He stayed silenced for a while while thinking upon the words to tell.
- Imagine our world arising not from god's creation. Imagine it existing for not two thousands and not ten thousands years. Imagine billions years. Do you remember? One thousand seconds ago was sixteen seconds ago. One million seconds ago was eleven days ago. One billion seconds ago was thirty one year ago.
He was repeating what he had said to her before; wrote in the prevoius letter.
- Imagine the world living for billions years. Billions years for oceans to form, for mountains to arise. Isles went under water and came out from the deep. Lands came together and broke up, morphing into different shapes. They moved by centimeter a year. They moved for billions years.
He silenced for her to imagine.
- In fact it isn't quite the thing I wanted to tell about. I wanted to tell about trees. Imagine there is no humans in the world. No elves, no dragons. No animals at all. They haven't yet appeared. Only plants had appeared. Trees. They grow high.
He silenced for her to imagine no humans, no animals, them not existing yet. And the trees growing high.
- Also imagine, there was no death yet as well. There had been trees while had been no death. Trees grew so high that they could not stand theirselves anymore. They broke and fell. They broke all the trees under too. But they could not decay. Their trunks, their bodies, stayed laying there, not able to decompose. And then new trees were growing straight over the old ones. They grew high, high as the old ones. And then they broke and fell too, breaking the trees under. For millions years trees grew giant, broke and fell, breaking to pieces all the previous trees with strenght of their fall, turning pieces to fragments, turning fragments to fractions. The pieces, the fragments, the fractions that pressed and were pressed by the heaviness of mountains.
He silenced for her to imagine the heaviness of mountains, the fragments and the fractions, imperishable substance, piles over piles of them.
- The new over the old, they build up like mountains. Their mass became bigger and biger, it never weights any lighter. For millions by millions years. A forest over forest over forest, a forest to the thousandth degree. They were all over the lands. They were higher than mountains. Labyrints of stems and roots. The levels over are the trees that stand on the bodies of previous trees as on the ground. The levels upon are the bodies that are pressed by weight and breaking further. Their pieces that are turned into fragments that are turned into fractions, they are turned into powder. When you grind cinnamon in a mortar, it becomes powder. The same way those trees became powder. Thousands of levels stayed over the very first one, and these first levels became one substance. They compacted into stone.
He silenced.
- That's how black coal appeared. It is a plant that became stone. And the reason it became stone, is that it wasn't able to decay. Because there was no death yet.
He silenced and moved his hand through air, to draw the pictures of his imagination.
- Imagine all of this. And more, there in the deepest, in the lowest, in the earliest, the first trees that were pressed the heaviest and layed the longest, for millionf and millions years they transformed into diamonds.
He silenced for her to imagine.
Last edited by Shadow Friend (2024-06-02 03:18:08)