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You are here » CC: PIE » living room » Would You Rather?

Would You Rather?

Posts 1 to 28 of 28


This game is also known as "either-or" and "this or that." The concept is that you have to pick from two difficult (or not) choices. For example, "Would you rather be stuck in a cage with a lion or be stranded in the middle of the ocean?"

Last edited by Lucifer (2024-06-02 20:17:26)



Would you rather have one game partner who writes every day or five game partners who write once a month? Why?

Last edited by Lucifer (2024-06-02 23:26:42)



Few years ago I would say the one who writes everyday, but time has passed and now it's even scarce, hence the latter - five people who write once a month. It's unusual to begin with, to have so many actually playing cowriters, I would love to have an opportunity to play like this.

A summer vacation on the beach to relax or a summer vacation in museums and seeing sights to appreciate history?



I'd rather choose the beach although I don't like swimming, I just like to be near the water. I am not a big fan of museums. I like art, but when there is a lot of it I can't really appreciate one piece. In museums I always try to see more, but later I can't remember anything.

Ice cream or pizza?  :D



Ice cream. I've eaten one like ten minutes ago, what a coincidence.

Tea or coffee?



Tea. I'm drinking it now )

Would you rather go to the theatre or cinema?



Just because I've been there twice or something, I would say theatre. I love cinema, but there is more magic in a live performance.

Werewolves or vampires? xd



Vampires. They have class.

Spring or autumn?



Autumn. It has all the colors.

Would you rather be able only to read books your whole life or only to watch movies?



Books. Actually took me some time to develop enough attention to consume video content, so I suppose I can do without it easier.

Would you rather learn Latin or Greek?



I'm a lawyer, but we were denied the privilege of learning it in highschool for some stupid admin reason, I'm still bitter about it.

Pop or classical music?



in this case, classical
but I also like folk and indie... It's hard to choose one thing

anyway, rain or snow?



Rain, because it means it's not winter. I like warm weather.

Beauty or wealth?

Last edited by Сoffee table knight (2024-06-16 11:00:25)



Well, I guess wealth  :D Beauty doesn't last long.

Would you rather eat only chocolate or only potatoes your whole life?



Оnly potatoes. Can’t live without French fries any more than without chocolate. But the choice was really difficult.

The ability to fly or the ability to become invisible?



To fly
It is one of my vivid dreams, one that I had just a few times and remember to this day. Every movie, game or a book with flying in it is captivating to my soul.

so, i really want to know, after everything we've been together.......
Star Wars or Star Trek? XD



That is a tricky question! I must be honest. Star Wars. I've wachted them a couple of times.

Would you rather go 200 years back in time or 200 years into the future?



200 years ago - is an immutable past, that can be visited by learning history or role-playing. The future, meanwhile, is full of mysteries and new technologies. I choose the future.

Sea or pool?

[nick]Giacomo Casanova[/nick][status]i love love[/status][icon][/icon]

Last edited by Coffee table knight (2024-06-21 14:01:20)



To swim in the pool, to spend time by the sea. I don't swim in open waters.

Would you rather have a cat or a dog?



Cats! They are sweetest and most curious, magnificent creatures (IMHO)

eastern or western culture?



To be honest, neither, or both, there are extremes which are not comfortable in either and undeniable pleasantries, too. But by merit of extremes, I would prefer more known eastern culture.

A handwritten letter or an email?



A handwritten letter. Emails are associated with official letters and bureaucracy. Better a handwritten letter with the handwriting of someone dear to your heart, that you can save and reread on dark evenings.

Rose Tyler or Donna Noble?
If you know what I mean...

If no one, then... the moon or the sun?



Donna Noble! She is amazing actress, and I loved her funny bit with Tennant in school, it was hilarious
and the Sun (I don't see the Moon that often though when I do I tend to look up at it and risk the traffic accident xd Sun is a safer choice and daytime is when I feel alive and productive)

Business suit or casual clothes?



Casual. I only wear something that doesn't need to be ironed. I hate ironing.

Horrors or soap operas?



Definitely horrors, I'm not a fan of soap operas.

Cool or warm colors?



Cool colors.
No reason. I just like cold shades more.

Antagonists or protagonists?



certainly antagonists (in most cases, their story is more interesting)

silence or gossip?



Well, in general, I prefer silence. But when I'm with my bestie we gossip a lot xD

Sea or Mountains?


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