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Share12024-06-06 12:56:07
Share22024-06-07 16:52:00
This was a short manifestation of my interest to constructed languages.
And now I want to write something frpg and fantasy related.
Before I've found this forum, I had been making up settings for my (never to be created) fantasy forums. This interests me more than role playing. My former idea was the "water world".
My genre is fantasy, with elves and demons, original worlds, so while making my own world I stay in this paradigm. Among original fantasy forums which I have seen, there is a common structure of describing worlds. There is a "library" section and there are "races", "geography", "magic", "gods", "history" topics. So I think up these sides of the world when I usually construct new setting, and so I expected to construct it that time, but it went another way.
So, the "water world".
Races. There are different races like elves, dragons, demons, fairies, undeads, werewolves, centauruses, walking trees, living ice lumps, and whatever else is actual in fantasy. There are humanoid races, like dwarves, drows or greenskin orcs. There are humanoid creatures, that are very small, like lilliputs or Thumbelina, and creatures, that are very big, like some dark souls bosses or Eren Yeager. There are speaking animals, living mechanisms, and creatures that incarnate some elements, like fire, lightning, or the greatest blackness of university.
But the main playable race are water elementals, which are able to morph into any living creature they want. For all the living in this world came from water and mostly consist of water. Plants, animals, humans and humanoids, tiny creatures which are not seen by humans eyes and huge creatures which are more like mountains than living creatures. Every life that has some blood inside.
"Morphing into any living creature" means, that they can replicate abilities too, not only outside. That means, if water elemental morphs into a creature which reproduces by breeding, it can breed with the same creature and procreate offsprings. And that means, if morphling is slightly different from the original creature, different color of skin or different shape of ears, the breed of original creature and morphling would inherit these differences too. That is why so many humanoids with any colors and any shapes exist. And that is why there are so many creatures which are evolutionary unreasonable, like human-like creatures but ant size. That's just like a god's will, but only godlike water creatures with powers over life substance.
"Morphing" also means, that morphling can replicate biological necessities and processes with their restrictions, like hunger, illnesses, aging. Morphling can live like living and mortal, eat, sleep, be ill, recover, become old. Morphling can live as a human for decades and then die like mortal, and then become water again, as it has always been and never stopped being. Morphling can do that not only because it wants to live mortal life, but also because when becoming human deep inside, it forgets he/she once was immortal and eternal water. He/she could remember once, or can live mortal life until dies. And then remembers.
All the living creatures were morphlings in the past or have morphlings ancestry. What is the difference between morphling and not-morphling then? For morphling, there is no difference at all, exept that not-morphlings don't remember they are morphlings in real, and they've forgotten how to morph, subjecting to natural processes of their organisms without being able to control them. Every life comes from water before birth and returns to water after death. So after death, every life remembers it's true immortal nature.
Water elementals are as ancient as water. Many of them remember the world's creation. Many of them also remember themselves before having "selves", but being one great ocean. Those water elementals who morphs into mortal creatures like humans are only tiny drops in this world ocean.
History. Long ago the world was firing stone, with no any water, no any air and no any life. Then stars flew from far space and crashed the ground. These stars were made of ice. So when they reached the firing world, they melted to water, and the world stifled and calmed.
Most of the surface of the world became water, but there was earth as well, and it was changing. Isles drowned and rose, moved and changed form constantly. Life arose in the ocean, it was tiny and then grew big, some of it floated up to surface of water, and sunlight made it green. This green breathed, and breathed out live air that hadn't existed before. Over time, this air filled the sky and made it blue.
Billions years passed since ice stars came to world, and the world changed a lot. Changes never stopped. Earth, water and life took different forums. Once they took form of continents and isles of definite shape, and in definite period of time these lands were inhabited by certain species with certain features and lifetimes. Some of them even created culture. That was not forever. Species appears and fade away every thousand year, some of them last ten thousands years, or hundred thousands. For stars, neither is long.
Geography. The world consists from lands, waters, and the sky. The sky is usually blue, the sun is usually yellow, and the moon is usually sole. But these rules are not strictly stable.
As the world consists, besides sky, from waters and lands, the world consists also from sides. As the sides lay between lands and waters. The side can be a seashore, or it can be a sandy beach, or it can be the East coast, or the West coast, or a coast as western that it becomes eastern, or the opposite.
Some coasts of the world are strange coasts. As the land is surrounded by water, while water is surrounded by land, the border is usually closed. That means, if one moves along the coast, he rounds it eventually and returns to the same point he started. Some land is small, one may round it fast. Some land is huge, with a compound form, its coast lasts very long, and one may spend years to round it. The lenght of coast depends on the size of land or water. For this is how lands and waters work. But some coasts work otherwise. Or maybe it is just an ability of those who move.
If one will move along the coast, he'll never come to the same place. Because one moves along the coast not as along the circle, therefore not in cycle. Along the coast, one moves like along the line, which lays different from the lands shape. So the land as well can be different. Also waters, and the sky. That is why the sky is usually blue, the sun is usually yellow, and the moon is usually sole, but not strictly. One day you walk along the coast until sunset, and if you continue walking in the same direction for all the night till dawn, the new sunset might be not red that turns to yellow, but magenta that turnes to green, and then there'd be two moons.
This is a setting I've imagined. I haven't imagined further, I wanted to think up something with evil demons as invaders and world destroyers, and they are like corrupt water, and their own bodies are not consist from water, and there is some conflict of good and evil.
Share32024-06-07 17:51:30
The text above in short:
Share42024-06-30 11:53:42
I thought about magic in my water world and came up with some ideas which I like.
As this is a water world full of water for water elementals made of water, water magic is the first thing which comes to mind. And thinking of magic, "water magic" is something that exists in one list with "fire magic", "air magic", and "earth magic". There are four elements most expected by default in fantasy.
My scheme of the elements is different. There are five elements, ice, or cold, is also the element.
Ice and fire, or heat and cold, are the two elements that stay separately. Earth, water and air are the three elements, that stay separately from the previous two.
Fire and ice are opposite to each other. At the same time, they are the opposite ends of the same scale. Every body in the world and the world around every body has its temperature. It can rise high and drop low. Living bodies are adapted to a narrow temperature range. If temperature is too low or too high, living bodies ruin. So fire and ice are the elements of chaos and destruction. They ruin life and bring death. Besides fiery demons and fiery hells, in my universe would also be frozen demons and frozen hells.
Air, water and earth are not strictly opposite to each other. Earth and air are as opposite as the ground and the sky, the solid and the vague, the concentrated and the dispersed. Water is fluid between them. Water can be as solid as ice and as scattered as fog. Most of life needs breathing, drinking, and eating in some way. It is usually air which is breathed, water which is drunk, and plants or animals grown by earth which are eaten. So air, water and earth are the elements of life and creation.
I have mentioned "spiral coasts" previously. These are such coasts by which one can reach other lands under other skies. The point is, I just want to have fantasy setting where one can move to other worlds. As a dark soul's undead when touching a huge picture, moving to the world painted on this picture. I want a fantasy setting where these pocket woulds are possible, so they can be created or destroyed, and explored. A world can be a shelter or a prison.
So I thought how to make it.
Long before, at the very beginning of imagining water world, I imagined the "Watcher of the sea".
There are two forms of existence. The first form is, something is existing when one see it while eyes are opened. The second form is, something is existing when one see it while eyes are closed. This is figurative, one can have eyes opened, and still see what is seen only better when they are closed. Other words, there is a kind of reality, that is more like irreality. One sees it through dreams and imagination.
So there is a sea. If you stand right on the beach, you sense this sea even through closed eyes. Its waves sound. You can stand right in the water, and so the sea will be real, even if eyes are closed.
Then you can go a kilometer away from the sea, turned back to it. You will not see it and hear it. Still, the wind can bring its smell. And if you turn face to it, being on highground, you will still see blue horizon. The sea will still exist in reality. But its near waves will yet exist in irreality. The sea starts to exist in irreality more and more.
Then you move not a kilometer away, but 500 kilometers. You can stand in the middle of the desert with no water around. The horizon will be yellow with sand, this sand and this desert will exist in reality when eyes are opened. But you close your eyes, and horizon is blue again. You see irreal sea.
Can be one thing real and irreal in the same moment? If you move to the sea, it becomes real, and it's existence as irreal ends.
So, once was a settlement in the desert. And once a magician of a great force returned to this settlement as home. He saw the sea through the window, thought which there was only desert. From then, the Irreal sea became real. But to keep the Irreal sea in reality, there must be always someone to watch it. So near this settlement there is a lighthouse, where watchers of the sea always watch. If there will be no one to watch, the Irreal sea will disappear from reality. So there is always someone who watches.
Considering this, I thought futher.
I suggest there are three worlds, like three realities of the same world. The world of water, or the world of life, or the middle world, where living creatures live their lives. The world of Ideas, or Irreality, as it was called previously. It is the world of air, the upper world, the world that mortals can see in dreams, the world where all things and possibilities exist in form of countlessness.
Magic is morphling irreal into real. Humans are gifted with magic. Some man can imagine sea to horizon and the beach longing from one side to another side. A great magician can turn to real what not-magician can only imagine, feel like irreal.
So magicians can create worlds and this is not surprise. Doors to these worlds can be literally doors, or pictures, or mirrors, or whatever else. Depends on imagination.
But there is one more world in the list. This is the Underground, the world of dead. Ideas can be eternal, but flesh is mortal. After death all the living bodies become ground and stones, or eaten by other living creatures and leave their bodies being defecated, and still turn to soil. Earth has its own laws, some of them magic fails to treat. Otherwise, maybe some grand mage of the greatest powers would will all the humans live forever. This mostly doesn't happen. So bodies of humans are mortal, and things in the world are ruinable and recyclable.
The dream of the future you see dissolves
And with time so does the apprehension
The world under sun is no exception
And all you see around you evolves
New traits in things familiar can be sensed
But futile is hope without fruition
The grief you knew begets no vision
The happiness you felt becomes regret
Winter fades and takes its cold and storm
Spring revives the world with love and warmth
But still the law: all things decay and age
Vanity itself won’t dry your tears
And so you fear as your time draws near
The world will turn but never change